Saturday, November 1, 2008

maybe thats what 8 kids does

Do you ever watch that show John&Kate plus 8? Adorable kids - I don't know how they do it. Does anyone else think John is kind of a grump? I've only seen two or three episodes but I don't think he stopped whining/complaining/just being negative through the entire thing. He says something and then Kate tries to laugh it off like 'oh haha you silly goose [you sound like an ass -shutup].'
Maybe I just happened to catch a bad episode...


Brittany Miller said...

I actually just wrote about them the other day on my blog and I love them. He kind of seems like a grump, but Kate always has to have everything perfect. Its kind of hard with 8 kids I am sure. Their kids actually make me want to have 8. haha. I love that show!

Anonymous said...

He is a grump in every episode, but i think it is because he has 8 kids and a perfectionist wife who doesn't let their kids get dirty. I think they are doing the best they can, but having all those kids definitely brings out sides of you you may not want shown to the world :)