Thursday, December 11, 2008


So through an endless trail of blogs tonight I came across Ruche. If you're wondering - 'is this the most exciting thing alissa has found in a very long time?' the answer my friend, is yes.
Adorable clothes.
Adorable website.
A cool owner (like not a corporation with an 82 year old man at the helm).
Affordable clothes, shoes and accessories.
You should probably go check it out... like as fast as you can click that link.


G r e g + E r i n said...

THANK YOU for this link. Unbelievably cute store!
I love your blog :)

Courtney said...

Ooh, I checked out the website, and it looks fab indeed! Thanks for the intro (although unfortunately, I don't know if I can wear the clothes- one of the dress had a 34 bust measurement... for a Large. Err, that is not gonna cut it for me. Bummer. But I can always do accessories!)

Anonymous said...

i'm going to check it out now!

Thanks for the hint