One (or many) Fleetwood Mac fans that would like to attend the concert with me on Friday, May 8th. You must know the words to a lot of songs (old & new) and be willing to rock out and dance like we think we're Stevie. No wannabes allowed.
But if you're up for it I think we'll have a really peachy time.
I might wear that red outfit. With those sandals.
Thanks for coming by leChic!
I agree, Adeline has amazing style!
& cool hairdo in the post below!
The shoes are from a B2 collection of a couple of years ago. It's a sub-brand of a Canadian shoe retailer.
Here is their link http://www.brownsshoes.com/store.cfm?&ckey=CA&lang=eng
i'm a HUGE fan. know every word to every song. is christine going to be there, too? when i saw them a few years ago in concert christine wasn't there.
I'm not sure, but I would guess she won't be there. I think when she decided not to last time it was kind of like she was done for good - in a friendly way.
But its kind of a bummer because my favorite song is Everywhere! all her!
Mmm, wow, Alissa! Fleetwood Mac...thumbs up! But I'd REALLY think twice about the costume choice...or posing like that! Eew! A little cropping would have gone a long way in that shot. ;)
Oh, if I could get myself to KC! I love Fleetwood Mac, and I know the words to a lot of songs... I promise, it was only because I was drunk that I once mistakenly identified the dedication of Landslide (from The Dance) as a shoutout for my best friend, as in "This is for you, Abby" as opposed to "This is for you, Daddy." My friends confirmed my mistake as I made them listen to the song again...
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