Monday, February 9, 2009


I've been reading these Universe of Fashion books on classic designers. They're a brief summary of the history, influences and careers of the amazing names we hear day to day but may not know that much about. I'm reading a lot of these as a little overview and then getting more thorough books on some that really get me...

A few of my favorite pages from the book of Balenciaga

1. Balenciaga, winter collection 1955. Photo from ADAGP; 2. Balenciaga, winter collection 1950. Photo from Conde Nast Publications; 3. Balenciaga, 1961. Photo from Archives Balenciaga.

Seriously - how much do you love those feathers?

A lot? Me too.


east side bride said...

Lurve the feathers. L-urve.

Courtney said...

The feathers are fantastic. And dear fashion gods, could I please have a Balenciaga bag someday? Thanks.