Saturday, May 9, 2009

checking in

I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend.

Kansas City Fashion Week last night I wasn't sure what to expect, but overall I left disappointed (enough so that I didn't bother going tonight). I don't want to totally whine about it because I'm sure a lot of people spent a lot of time setting it up and are proud of it. I wasn't expecting New York - I get that its obviously a different ballgame. But it was disorganized. Which is my biggest pet peeve at events. Dont start 45 minutes late, figure out your technology issues before people arrive and don't put 'cocktails provided' in the ticket sales information when all that means is that you will provide a bar where I can buy a shitty dixie cup of wine for $7.
The fashion itself ... I caught two shows by local boutiques that just weren't my style - but still fun to see. And then two shows by local designers that were more interesting, even if I didn't necessarily love the outfits, they were unique.
I might go back for an hour or two tomorrow. We'll see. All in all, I'm not sure if I'd go or not if they do it again - I'd like to think it will get better. The cocktail thing really pissed me off haha, you don't tease me about free cocktails.

Don't mean to be a downer - I'm pumped that people are putting on new events like this around the city - and I hope they get their act together and this event continues in the future.

Otherwise a good weekend so far - some yummy 'oops' wine, grace found a new favorite toy, and we have some hydrangeas in our kitchen to really up the spring vibe.

I decided not to wear the new ruffle dress for fear of being a little too dressed up last night. I've had this random outfit in my head for a while and decided to make it work. I have this big shiny skirt (the photo really doesn't show the extent of the shinyness) from some holiday party years ago and I really wanted to pair it with a plain white tshirt. Even now looking at the photos I'm not sure why I was all jazzed about it, but you just have to get that craving out I suppose? Added my favorite black heels and vintage 80s purse. voila - I believe this is my first 'what i wore' post and it feels very silly :) It won't be a regular occurrence but kind of fun once in a while?


drollgirl said...

you are gorgeous! i love your look and no need for you to feel silly!

and that drink thing is a bummer. grr. lame-o! and too bad the fashion affair wasn't spot on, but maybe they will do better next year. maybe. special events are a nightmare to put on, but those doing so really really REALLY need to know what they are doing.

hope the rest of the weekend is fab for you, and that you get treated like royalty on sunday. and every other day. :)

Sara said...

Wow, you're tall! (or maybe I am the one who is extremely short at 5'1) do you have pictures of your outfit in color? I would love to see!

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

YAY outfit post! you look lovely...perfect ensemble. and that's awesome some local shows are on in your hood...we had one Friday night called Fashion Avenue but I couldn't go..BOOOOO.

hope you had a great weekend miss!!

xxx bel

noone said...

ugh, I hate how they always rip people off when it comes to purchasing booze at events. The pics you took were great and you look soo lovely :)

Anouk said...

cuuuuttte kitten.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel silly - you look great!

Sorry the show was a bit of a disappointment - boo to no free cocktails - what is with that!!

I had the opposite thing happen this weekend we went to a 30th bash and there was free food and drinks - bonus!

drollgirl said...

hope today has been fab for you, and glad you liked the planet of the apes pic! i am such a dork that i laugh every time i see it!

Sharon said...

Hi there-a plain white tee is perfect for a dressy skirt, you look lovely! thanks for stopping by too!

Kitty Stampede said...

I think the outfit rocks...I love when people pair plain things with dressier clothes! You look babelicious!! And so does Grace...awwww.... :P

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

NOT silly. Keep up the outfit posts! I heart hydrangeas. They're such a happy flower!

sara said...

has grace lost weight?!

alissa said...

LOL no, im afraid grace has not lost any weight. but i'll tell her you said that and she'll be flattered.

Aline said...

you are adorable!!!! even if it wasn't all it could still sounds like a good time:)