New goals! (heavily influenced by my technology free week)
I feel like if I write them down they have a better chance of sticking?
1. No more Perez. If there is seriously a way to block a website from being available on my computer please let me know. Because this is an addiction. I'm not learning anything worthwhile, not exactly gaining material to contribute to society (I've realized that people don't exactly love statements that start with 'i was reading on perez last night that...). If you know of a support group let me know.
2. More reading. Not necessarily as in 'I really should pick up Hemmingway more often' but for instance, I get Vogue. And every month I look at all of the pictures and probably read 1-2 articles. Over my break I read two full issues - front to back - every single article. And I loved it - I learned about everything from historical photographers to levels of mercury in fish. Again, maybe not contributing to society... but some good information. I also have a long list of books that I want to get to. Where will the time to read these books come from?...
3. LESS TV. All of my favorite shows just ended. For the record: I think American Idol ended for the better, Adam's career will be much better off this way - Grey's Anatomy ohmylanta I completely never guessed that was George and I didnt cry the whole episode until i saw him in his little uniform ugh what an ending - and hell yes to Chuck on Gossip Girl (if it wasn't for that situation it would've been quite a bore). Sooo - I don't need to find new shows! There are lots of other things to fill that time.
4. Start Sewing. I have the supplies - need to get a move on figuring out what I'm doing with them!
Ok those are fairly ambitious, better leave it at that :)
haha...good starter list. That is a great learning experience going without those things for awhile. Gets you more in touch emotionally and/or spiritually.
I, for awhile not even big on celebrities, despising the obsessed culture was addicted to hollywoodrag...less talk more photos..but its so draining and i don't really care about these rich and famous people,its a bit of a waste of time...I'd rather be creating or learning than oggling over these people.
i don't have cable, so i don't watch tv except for movies and a couple shows on weds night, tops. i read books before bed...its a nice wind down from the day.
i want to sew too!!! so bad, i would adore making my own clothes as I'm pickier than ever.
sorry so long..hehe. have a great day.
It was hard for me to cut TV out of my life until I moved out and I had to get my own television and they're so expensive so I didn't get one for a couple of months and now I only watch maybe 2 shows? hehe. You sew? That's awesome, I bought a sewing machine a while ago and the only thing I can do is hem pants!! LOL
Good luck with your goals!!
great goals and what a superb image !!!
I do read more than I watch TV but I am so addicted to my computer !!! I have to worn on that ...
I once started to get addicted to Perez but luckily I stopped before it was too hard. Celebrity gossip is so addicting but so useless. I feel bad for feeding into it.
I had some major hate for Adam Lambert while the show was on, but now that it's over I like him! I love how he's handling the omg ru gay questions. I mean, really people, do we need him to say it? As if it matters anyway.
oh gosh I stopped going on Perez months ago. I just filled my time with finding new websites and eventually I forgot all about it plus he was getting annoying. Now I go on Dlisted.com it's funnier and not all about celebs, but a bit dirty. lol
I def. agree about Lambert he's better off! Oh, and I cried a little too when I found out George was the one that got hit by the bus! I don't want him to leave the show!!
I think those are all good goals! I really like the articles in Vogue, definitely interesting.
And yeah, George? OMG I cried!
wow, that is very ambiioutious (sp?) i'm too lazy to dictionary.com that. hey that could be my new thing, learn to spell!
excellent goals!! i have backed off perez as blogging has taken over most of the free time i used to spend with him! and i have never read an article in vogue. maybe i should try? ay yi yi. and you are so right about sewing. i need to get on that too.
Good luck with your list! I would like to start doing some sewing too, but where to find the time??
all awesome goals
I have totally backed off of my perez problem...I still follow him on twitter, so I get SOME gossip that way.
I totally have a tv problem and I do not want to quit it and am looking for new summer shows
I would love to sew
I read like crazy before bed every night:)
I would love to see pictures of your sewing projects! :)
I have Perez on my google reader and every time I'm about to unsubscribe I just can't do it. unhealthy addiction! :)
Why not read Evilbeet gossip,it's a lot better than Perez's site.In my opinion,at least.
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