Hello my loves!
Husband and I took a break from the world for a week. No cellphone and laptop - and didn't watch and ounce of TV. It was, far and away, a fabulous time.
Wishing the gods of coffee would deliver one of these to me asap. Skim + Decaf please (I know it kind of defeats the purpose but the tiny amount of caffeine thats still in those puppies has the same affect on me as regular decaf + normal people.)
Google Reader - 753 unread posts
DVR - muchas hours of finales to catch up on
Email inbox - don't even want to check...
Email inbox - don't even want to check...
I just wanted to tell you I missed you :) and I'm happy to be back.
What a great idea!! I have missed you
glad you had a blast, and glad you are BACK! hope your day is nice!!!!
Missed your posts but I can't think of a lovelier thing than a week unplugged with the hubs!
ah! that sounds good. it's always good to get away for a while. technology these days geez =)
woohoo..you`re back!!! Sounds like you had a great time! Sounds very peaceful, you must feel rejuvenated.
yea!!!! my life can continue now bc you're back!!!
That's a great idea to go away from everything, I would nedd something like that right now!!It's cool that you had fun but it's also great to have you back!
wow a week without cellphone, laptop or tv?! I don't know if I can handle that! I'd be so afraid to check my e mail after not checking for a week hehe. Welcome back!
And we're glad to have you back, Miss Alissa! Refreshed and renewed.
That google reader? Just "mark all as read" and start fresh!
Welcome back! It is so great to get away like that- makes you realise how much we really don't need all this stuff at all. I used to love going camping for that reason, but haven't been in ages! Eeeeek! All the Great Unread! Meh- just skim through it nonchalantly, knowing you were missed :)
Oh give in to the temptation and "clear". Don't burden yourself with all 700+! Freedom for the future posts to come! ;)
i think everything would be perfect if you got some minichickens. ahahah! love that. and welcome home!!!
your cat sounds like its jealous and takes its anger out on the couch!
Sounds really nice!=)
Glad you had a good break - welcome back :D
Jealous. Sounds great!
Welcome back, my dear. I, too, took a break from the computer. But not DVR...that would be silly.
I will however, tell you that our TV was only on for 2 hours over this Memorial Day weekend, and it was simply for background noise as we worked in the house. Amazing.
that sounds amazing!
welcome back!!!
Evening friend. Thanks for responding to my wired looking back post. It helps. Of course, you know it does-- one of the many reasons. P.S. you should look at my response to your fantastic question... it might take you back down memory lane... a good memory lane :)
In regaurds to your post... I'm glad you got a chance to unplug. Isn't it great?? I probably do it too often. I'm just glad you got to embrace it.
Miss you and am so stoked to hang with you in a few weeks! :)
wow so brave! i dont know if i could do it!
I am so relieved to see someone else whose reader gets so out-of-control if left unattended for a few days. Mine freaks me out all the time if I ignore if for a few days, and I am glad to see I am not alone (but I have yet to get it back down to zero since my last few days away, and I have given up hope of having low numbers again... and did you know that when it crosses 1000, if doesn't continue updating? Just says 1000+ and that is almost a strange relief! I may have a blogging sickness...)
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