I fear I've fallen under the mass media spell.
I have no idea what the Twilight books are about,
I have no idea what the Twilight books are about,
and I can't say I really understand the hype.
But then I go and watch the MTV Movie Awards last night.
And there he was. And then he talked.
And they play this scene.
And now I fear I've fallen under the spell.
Heading to the library tomorrow...
If you want to comment 'wow, you 14 year old tween sell-out!' its ok,
I would comment that to me too.
um, i am going to go ahead and admit that I LOVE THE TWILIGHT BOOKS! so good! you might like them! ack! OH EDWARD! just you wait. hope you love it. if not, you can kill me for encouraging you.
god i wish i was a vampire. :)
heh. I've only seen 30 min of the movie and never read the books... I think I'm prob one of the only people that hasn't seen the entire movie!
There are so many things that are so very wrong about that series...
but Edward is pretty hot, despite him being a major creeper.
I have no shame. I have read all the books and I even rented Twilight last night...to watch for like the 4th time.
He's HOT.
they are really cute together. ALTHOUGH I NEVER GOT THE TWIGHLIGHT BUG. hmmmm.... a pic of my living room?? yea right u are so stalking me
welcome to the dark side! get ready to lose a week or two - you won't be able to put the books down. :)
Oh Rob Rob Rob as Edward. Excellent casting.
i have no idea about twilight cause i don't like it.. but i never head the idea to write anyting negative.. why?!
UGH me too. Don't tell anyone. 80
It would have helped if I'd have brought the damn book to lunch today like I promised. Sorry. Maybe this weekend?
Welcome to the obsession, my dear!
I totally loved the books and although the first film is rubbish, I LOVE it....I know that doesn't make sense lol!
I haven't read the books but I watched the movie last night and I wasn't a fan. But I am very hard to please when it comes to films.
it took me a year of resisting the books...and then i gave in. and then i read 4 books in 8 days and haven't felt that good in years. enjoy :)
first, love the new look. second, if you think you're under the spell now, just wait until you start the books. be prepared to not want to do anything but read until you finish them all. so much fun!
oh i'm definitely going to see it! the books are better but still!
the books are soooo much better than the movie. you're going to love them. when you finish, i want to hear all about it!
You're right, it's becoming an obsession!
nice blog!
It's a pop culture phenomenon that you have to educate yourself on right? It's addictive,get ready. And oh Rob Pattinson, marry me please.
If you are a tween sell-out I am as well. It's a bit embarrassing at times. Especially when he waltzes right into my dreams.
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