I just got home from the airport and am happily parked myself + laptop in front of the tv...to find that one of my favorite movies is on...Disney's Hercules.
It wasn't one of the most popular Disney movies, but its my favorite! If you haven't seen it definitely check it out!
Here's a clip of my favorite song with Megara, who has this hilarious, awesome attitude - love it.
It wasn't one of the most popular Disney movies, but its my favorite! If you haven't seen it definitely check it out!
Here's a clip of my favorite song with Megara, who has this hilarious, awesome attitude - love it.
.Speaking of movies - A Chick Named Hermia is having a contest for an amazing jacket! You have to comment with your favorite movie quote. Which sounds really hard to me, so I think you should head over her to site...and not enter the contest :) Gotta up my chances!
I love Hercules TOO! I swear no one else knows a thing about that movie and it always kills me.
Thanks for the mention! And especially thanks for mentioning me in the same post as my FAVOURITE Disney Movie!!!!!! :D
Wow, I never even heard of the hercules movie before! Must check it.
Jeez, I've missed bazillions of your posts in my absence! Me pwomise to be a good commenter now that I'm "back"!
Hmmmmm contest you say? I shall have to go take a peeky....
I can't believe I haven't seen that one. I'm Disney movie obsessed. Snow White and Aladdin are my favs!
I'm totally one of the people that has never seen it! :(
ohh Hercules was a great movie, I loved Meg's character, she's so badass but like Disney badass haha! I like lady gaga too.. but sometimes her outfits are just... if I wear what she wears down the street I think my bf would pretend that he doesn't know me/dump me when I get home LOL!
I Adore Disney movies but did not see Hercules...I so have to!!!
I thought I saw almost all Disney movies, but I've never seen Hercules. Shocking!
i haven't seen that film which is crazy because i love disney and greek mythology
I love Hercules too! I could never understand why it wasn't so popular. and I love that song.
I loved that movie..! I am more of a Lion King person though..or Pocahontas!
This seems like the only Disney movie I haven't seen, and since I love Disney movies, it is rather surprising I haven't!
Hercules is one of the most underated Disney movies ever!
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