Monday, July 13, 2009

if you turn around

The blogging world is funny in a way.
In all reality, we're strangers.
If I walked passed you on the street this afternoon,
I wouldn't know it was you.
I might smile, but I wouldn't say hello.
But we share things in this little world -
and you feel for people as if they're not strangers.
When its good things or bad.
When again, in all reality - I could be sitting right beside you,
reading your post and feeling for you.
And I wouldn't know it was you.
I think its strange. In a good way.
Maybe I need to think differently about the people
sitting beside me and passing on the street.
Random thoughts.
And some random photos from an impromptu photo shoot outside tonight.
For a really eye-opening story along these lines,
check out this post at Glorious Nonsense.
I can't stop thinking about it.


Gabby said...

That's all so true. I love the blogging community because I have met people I never would have without's mysterious, yet warm at the same time.

The Curious Cat said...

Beautiful -simply beautiful photos - love the 2nd one. I agree with you too - it is lovely to find people with similiar minds that you might not meet in the every day world! Also, blogging reveals sides to people that they might kept hidden away at work...

Anonymous said...

Love the photos - very beautiful :)

Unknown said...

This is such an interesting line of thinking... there are people here that I "talk" to every day, who I consider my friends, that I have never, and will probably never meet. And yet, are they any less important in my life? Thanks for the lovely thoughts.... -e

rachel♥jo said...

gorgeous photos... so true! i find it funny how i love to talk about my blog friends' latests recipes or ideas without ever meeting them...

Anonymous said...

That Glorious Nonsense story was crazy! But I don't know how cool it was as a social experiment, because different people have different ideas of beauty, fans of classical music are traditionally from an upper class background, while it would be lower and middle class people taking the train!

And yes, I do find the idea of being beside a blogger you follow without realising quite strange. Myself and another blogger were both in Paris during the same week about a month ago. I was staying about 90secs from the Arc de Triomphe and she spent most of her holiday eating and strolling in that same area, so chances are we walked right passed each other more than once! It's strange.

tiffany said...

I've been really trying to help build a sense of community around myself and have been working on saying hi and smiling to strangers -- even homeless people. I think that sometimes we forget that we're all humans and in this together!

Red Boots said...

Like Tiffany, I have also been trying to build a sense of community around me in the town where I live.

The internet has made the world a much smaller place, and I'm also enjoying building up a virtual community. It's nice to share things with likeminded people, people I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet. So in that respect blogger is great.

I would love to be able to meet up with the people I have met through blogger for coffee and cake, and a good chat - I think we'd all have lots of interesting things to share! What we need is a virtual coffee shop! x

Zoë said...

beautiful photos..puts me in a dreamlike state of mind :)

about chicknamedhermia's comment, i actually know lower income ppl who enjoy classical that generalization is not entirely true, also in cities like new york there are well off ppl who take the train.

i just think that in out in public most of us do not want to interact with our surroundings, we are so closed off with our ipods, cell phones & constant texting...beautiful music can easily be ignored and thats sad

alissa said...

I agree Zoe :)
a lot of times when I'm walking home I have my headphone in or talking on my cellphone. When I don't use either I'm amazed at the sounds and things I pick up on - I need to do it more!

Aline said...

I love that and couldn't agree with you more

Jessie said...

Agreed. :)

I was telling 'our' story to someone today, and it made me realize how amazingly close the blog-world can make you feel to others. We may not have ever connected again after meeting at C+C last year! (Well, we would have met again this year, but we might not have gotten the chance to really become friends.)

Crazy, and fun.

laura said...

oh, you make my heart smile so!

your words are so very true. an beautiful. thank you for sharing them with us.

hugs to everyone in the whole wide world, no exceptions!

with love from pittsburgh...