Monday, August 3, 2009


Anyone who hasn't driven down a country road
in the midwest in the middle of summer
hasn't seen the proof that God likes glitter.
Photo from here.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is the one thing I miss about Ohio.

Red Boots said...

I've never ever seen a firefly. They look like the most amazing of creatures. I did have a toy glow-worm (from the cartoon) when I was little though - if that counts?! x

Anonymous said...

We don't have them here :(

The Curious Cat said...

You don't seem to get fireflies in the UK - well I've never come across them. A long time ago - about nine years back now - I was in Brazil in Pantanal and I saw some in the early evening sky - I'd forgotten about them...when I was a young child living in the US they had been everywhere and I was fascinated by the idea of them filling a lamp to light your way... they are so cool... this also strangely brings back the memory of being in bed in the dark and the static from the bed sheet also creating little sparks - do you know what I mean? xxx

Indiana Adams said...

Oh, golly. You just made me all kinds of nostalgic! Lightning bugs are the best!

(And hey, thanks for stopping by! Your blog is lovely, and I subscribed).

one little simitopian said...

Oooh, I agree with Indiana Adams: Maximum Nostalgia! I grew up in the countryside, and as soon as spring arrived, I'd force my family to come searching for fireflies with me every evening down by the creek. Nobody ever complained once we saw the magical little bugs! It was so enchanting to be by the water, in the dark, just watching these amazing sparkling lights flickering amongst the oak trees.It was like being in fairyland....I miss them.

drollgirl said...

i am a loser as i have never ever seen a firefly! boo! i know, i know. i gotta find a way!

Aline said...

I used to spend a few weeks every summer in MO with my family....the fireflies are magic

Anouk said...

that's a pretty field.

Atomic Lola said...

I completely agree. They're like little flashbulbs going off in the distance. Love them.

Kitty Stampede said...

I haven't seen any this year...They are such magical little creatures...they're not so pretty when you see them without the glow though..hehe