Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ill use it a lot

Dear Universe,

I downloaded the London Tube app on my phone. Just in case you magically transport me back to the most fabulous city in the world I'll be ready.

Just so you know. Always prepared.
In the meantime I'll just sit here pretending I need to check the status of the Bakerloo line. I'm expected in Regent's Park at 11, you know.



Rhianne said...

this made me smile so much - I wish I had a phone to put that app on now - just so I'm prepared as well

OneCraftyFox said...

LOL! so cute :)

Anonymous said...

Aww! I love it. iPhone app, I assume? I considered downloading the NYC subway system just for fun!

Unknown said...

You are so cute, Alissa! I love this! xo

Anonymous said...

Lol I was looking at my Oyster Card the other day thinking longingly of my next trip to London....I think I'm going to book some tickets for Legally Blonde the Musical for the end of next month....which will be a good excuse to travel across the waters!! :D

COCAMIA said...

LOLLOL! Very funny! Your humour is refreshing...xo

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

If you are transported there...take me with you!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

It's always good to be prepared!

leila brewster photography said...

i love that you're ready! i loved london! :) id go back in a heartbeat too..