Tuesday, April 6, 2010

circus act

I found this blazer at a local thrift shop. I'm pretty sure I loved the crazy plaid label as much as the blazer, either way it was a random pick for me because I rarely wear red. The button hole is ripped out - so a belt serves well to hold it shut/cover the tear. Now I just need a lion.


Saltina said...

Looks amazing!

Meghan said...

Oooh, I love it!

kelly ann said...

that blazer is totally fantastic!

Kitty Stampede said...

i totally fall in love with labels too!! it usually reflects how cool the product is. I bought an awesome shirt and it didn't have the name of the company just a boston terrier wearing a crown, and that sold me..do you by chance know of this label? it doesn't look old.
anyhoo hope you're week is going well. i'm still job hunting like a looney..sucks. :S

Kim said...

Do you watch Project Runway? They had a circus them last night, this would have been great for their inspiration!

Unknown said...

I love how you paired these photos! You look oh, so cute! That blazer is incredible!