Thursday, May 13, 2010

may inspiration

Interiors I'm soaking in.
Lessons from these:
1. white on white doesn't mean the trim will lose its yummyness. via Door Sixteen
2. tons and tons of frames, when done the right way (thinking of the perfect spot for an installation) are amazing. via Desire to Inspire
3. black cabinets can rock out despite a lifetime obsession with white/glass. via Desire to Inspire
Lessons about whatever:
1. my cat is a nutcase.


Aline said...

good god these are gorgeous

kelly ann said...

love the abundance of picture frames! :) and that awesome kitchen.

Meghan said...

Those picture frames make me so happy! I am so in love with that look!

stells and co. said...

Love the pics! Great post

Unknown said...

that kitchen is delicious!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think most cats are nutcases. At least girls anyway. My boy is semi normal...girl totally a whack job!

Kitty Stampede said... all of them.
hope your new house is going awesome!!!

Pesky Cat Designs said...

OK, now you got me dreaming of a gorgeous home! Now I'm off to daydream some more. :)

Have a great weekend!

COCAMIA said...

I love these inspirations! Especially the random placed frames! Huge fan of this look and feel!

rachel rianne said...

love the mass of photo example.
it's hard to get perfect,
but when done right, it's so cute!