Tuesday, May 12, 2009

as it should be

The world (ok maybe not the world) but everyone seems to be obsessing over ruffles these days - exactly as they should be. Ruffles are cheery little bits of wonderfuless. A few of etsy's stunners...


Sharon said...

Hi there-such a gorgeous selection, I love the white bolero!!

Sara said...

I want ruffles in my life. I need them in my life!!

Eeli said...

haha I'm DEFINATELy feeling the ruffles. Adds some amazing texture to any outfit! And thanks lol. I'm hopoing I've been through the nastier of the flu bout lol.


drollgirl said...

sometimes it really is so fabulous to be FEMALE! and ruffles? they are all for US!

noone said...

yeah I absolutely heart ruffles. I can't seem to get enough of them!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ruffles make me happy in a girly pearly sort of way.

Angela said...

a post after my own heart. love ruffle.

Gabby said...

Mmmm love all of these!

VanessasRunway said...

I am most absolutely a fan of ruffles! They're a simple way to feel fancy. ;)

one little simitopian said...

Oh yes, I must chime in and add my own offering of ruffle-love! Those ruffles bolero/shrug thingies are the shizzle!

Kitty Stampede said...

its so true, everyone in this blog world anyways is loving the ruffles. i am happy with this obsession as that means i get to look at ruffles frequently. i want more ruffles in my wardrobe though dangit.
i am madly in love with the purple ruffle shrug...WOW, its so cute.

Aline said...

all so gorgeous