Thursday, June 4, 2009

almost there

a) This shirt called, it would like to come visit me. and stay forever. From Old Hollywood.
b) I think these shoes are adorable. Here's the thing - its hot in Kansas City. We were already over 90 last weekend... all I can think of when I look at these is that my ankles will suffocate. They will look nice...but on the inside...suffocating.
c) Hold on a few more hours - its almost the weekend! You're going to have a fabulous weekend, I can already tell. I'm considering getting this tattooed backwards on my forehead.

Grateful image by -Teddy.


Gabby said...

Love that shirt! Make it yours!

Have a lovely weekend :)

Sara said...

LOL @ Tattooed backwards on your forehead!! hahaha

It made me feel special; you saying that you thought of me, it really did. Even if from a "poor 3rd world country girl" perspective, which I don't know if it was..I loved Obama's speech and I hate how my boyfriend is all skeptic about it!

Fashion Moment said...

Thank you for your comment! Wonderful post and blog!
Have a great weekend,


Christina said...

love the shoes, but i would be concerned about the same thing. do ankles even get sweaty?
oh and, yes, be grateful indeed! thanks for the reminder.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Yes, I think that shirt deserves to be purchased! Have a fabulous weekend!

VanessasRunway said...

cute post! So happy it's the weekend, hope yours is lovely!

Aline said...

love that tank

have a fabulous weekend!

Aline said...

That t-shirt is fabulous...your lucky to have such hot temperatures. It's been raining cats and dogs here in the north of France...
have a wonderful week-end

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

stunning sandals!

laura said...

oh, how darling is your blog! i'm so glad you stumbled upon mine and left a little love bite for me. i do so very much love comments from fellow bloggers. so, yay for you!

i will be visiting your blog regularly, indeed!

with love from pittsburgh...

rachaelgking said...

That shirt is to DIE for, truly.

aimee said...

i need to remember that two simple little words in that last photo more often :))

did you change your header? it looks great!

aimee said...

yeesh... i mean THOSE two simple little words.... i started out thinking 'that simple little phrase' and my mind went with 'little words'... what a grammatically deficient saturday!

Anonymous said...

the shoes and shirt are fantastic!

Courtney said...

LOVE those shoes (although sadly my calves would look ridiculously large in them!) And that photo is gorgeous.