Thursday, June 18, 2009

interface folio

I'll definitely post some of my favorites from NeoCon this weekend, but in the meantime...this is a marketing piece I picked up from Interface carpet. Its this whole Alice in Wonderland idea and I'm absolutely loving it.


Chanel said...

Alice in Wonderland has always scared me.. but for some reason I always like anything inspired by it..hmmm wonder why.. haha

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

LOVING the teapot image!

Slices of Beauty... said...

Cute second pic!

Eeli said...

I was actually thinking that there is a reference to Alice in Wonderland with these pics lol.

Hoping your weekend satrts off well



one little simitopian said...

Ohhhhh I absolutely ADORE anything to do with Alice!!! Teapots, mad hatters, bunnies, bows, you name it. I so dearly want to slowly morph myself into a femme mad hatter! I have the mad part down...I have a top hat....I have a tea pot..... hey!!! I'm already there!!!! Wooot!

one little simitopian said...

Oh hang on. I don't know any speaking Hares to have tea with.
Foiled again! Damn thee, non cartoon world! Damn theeeeeee!!!!!

drollgirl said...

i am lovin' these, too!!! so cool!!!

Aline said...

so awesome!

pssss...gave you an award:)

Unknown said...

#1 and #3 ..AMAZING.

Gabby said...

These are great!

Have a lovely weekend, lady!

georgia b. said...

i like.

Aline said...

first pic is hilarious...farewell alice! haha

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my site & for the comment - so happy to have discovered your site as a result!

These images are all gorgeous, but I particularly am digging that last one. Wouldn't have thought to combine that plum, red, and royal blue, but they're just gorgeous combined with the white imagery.

noone said...

oooh I love alice and wonderland! I watched that movie over and over and over... then someone told me a few years ago that alice was jus dreaming of the whole thing cuz she was high? I still refuse to believe that!

Rhianne said...

Is that really Interface Flor? Amazing!