Wednesday, June 10, 2009

lets be anonymous

All I can do, if I feel this way,
is trust that somewhere in the universe,
there's a you that feels the same.

Every once in a while I think - and have noticed others out there mention this - that it might have been nice to keep my blog anonymous. I really love that my friends/family/coworkers read this... most of the time. There are the occasional times that I have something I just really want to say. But for one party's sake or another, I feel like its best to keep it to myself.

A few weeks ago Aphex Nation started 'unclaimed thoughts' which was just an open post for anyone to leave an anonymous comment on. And I'm so intrigued by the idea. Whether its positive or negative, we've become this weird generation that needs to say whatever it is we're thinking/doing etc...even if we don't want anyone to hear it. Or hear it - but not know its us?

Let's give it a whirl.

I'm going to post a topic. just to get your mind going.
You post whateverthehellyou want. even if it has nothing to do with the topic.

But post Anonymously. That's a rule.

I don't know if I will ever _____


Anonymous said...

Be the person I have always wanted to be.
Be thin again without resorting to distorted ways.
Be entirely happy.
Be content.
Stop complaining.
Write my book.
Stop smoking behind everyone's back.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever....
be ready to have a baby!

Anonymous said...

Be satisfied with my decision to be a stay at home mom.

Stop resenting my husband.

Forgive my brother.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever...

be entirely happy.
treat myself with the respect that I deserve.

Anonymous said...

forgive myself.
get over my fist love.
stop worrying.
move on.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever...
be able to stop distancing myself from people when I feel that I'm geting too close to them.

be happy without the aid of medication

make my dreams reality

Anonymous said...

Be completely satisfied with what I have.

Anonymous said...

know if i am with the right guy
get married
have a baby
buy a house
be content
lose weight like i should

Anonymous said...

tell my mom that I failed my classes last semester because I smoked too much pot (whoops!), but have since quit. She just thinks it's because my roommates are bad influences (Lies! All of them, LIES!).

Also, my mom has high hopes for me, but I am content to just relax and enjoy college and party my ass off. Why do parents have to make life into such a big deal? Aren't we supposed to ENJOY life?!

Will I ever be able to forgive mom for stupid silly mistakes? Will I ever be able to be honest with her? Will her grandchildren ever stop being afraid of her, and realize that a grandma that does marathons and triathlons is actually pretty damn cool?

Thank you for letting me vent... I don't know where most of that came from. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

...if I'll ever know what I want to do when I 'grow up'

and maybe thats a good thing

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever find the graphic design job of my dreams.

And it feels like I will never find a job to pay me enough to get me out of debt :(

Anonymous said...

Love myself enough to let someone love me back.

Know, in any given moment, what it is to be truly happy.

To embrace disappoint as life.

Anonymous said...

be able to have children

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever be able to love again. Or as fully as I once did.

I don't think I will. Or can.

Anonymous said...

find love, be happy.

Anonymous said...

find what i really want in life.

be an adult.

learn to stop hating my parents.

stop being such a pussy and just dive into things without fear of failing.

or what that green stuff inside a tupperwear i have never seen before that mysteriously appeared in the back of my fridge. hmmmm.

this is a really neat post but dang those people's comments are like bumming me out. or i guess mine is sad too.

Anonymous said...

learn to love myself, flaws and all...stop picking myself apart.

Figure out what I'm here for and what my mission is in life for complete happiness.

Be more patient and think before I act or speak.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I ever will stop loving life as it is. Regardless of is ups and downs. No matter how ugly it gets sometimes. I love life.

I don't know if I ever will lose hope. There's always hope.

I don't know if I ever will stop seeing beauty in everything.

I know I will never stop.

Please feel loved.

Anonymous said...

my boss is an ass!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I will ever achieve my dream.

Anonymous said...

Understand who it is I am supposed to be.

Anonymous said...

Truly learn to love my body.

Be ready for children.

Feel I have accomplished as much as I always imagined I would.