Tuesday, March 16, 2010

knock off wood

So in the semi-near future Husband and I hope to be moving into a new home. As in a house. With lots of rooms. We currently live in a little apartment and therefore own approximately no furniture. Well ok, just a little. I'm pumped to slowly start collecting those perfect pieces to fill our space - but when I can't find (or afford) that perfect piece? I'm going to make it! And the amazing chica at Knock Off Wood is convincing me this is entirely possible. Its pretty basic, she takes a common furniture piece from a well known store and breaks it down to Home Depot shopping lists and sketchup illustrations to demonstrate how anyone (even someone with no experience in carpentry) can make a similar piece! I'm pumped to try some of these out. Now just need those rooms...

Image via Knock Off Wood


OneCraftyFox said...

I love this idea, you'll have to share the end result!

Anonymous said...

Amazing find!!! That's the one thing I don't like about our apartment....we don't own any of the furniture....like it was great when we moved in first, but now I'm like, *sigh* it's so not ME!

Kitty Stampede said...

Cool...I have to totally check this site out. I am in the exact same boat as you...I live in an apartment and have to turn down pieces cause I would look like a hoarder if I kept bringing stuff in. I love diy-ing and am pumped to check this out...sounds up my alley as I am def not experienced but want the satisfaction of making furniture unique and my own. and I CAN'T WAIT to move into a house...apartment life blows...for me anyways.