But I feel like it calls for a celebration.
I was in Hammerpress the other day, my favorite local letterpress studio, and saw some badass 'hello from kansas city' letterpress postcards on this meaty cardboard stuff. I'm like yes-giveaway.
I know what you're thinking 'well this is officially the worst giveaway ever. A postcard." But you don't understand the awesomeness of these postcards.
Leave a comment and I'll draw four or five names to receive these sexypresscards. I could pimp this out and say if you follow me that gets you extra chances, but following me will just bring you good juju. And endless joy and happiness.
So leave a comment and cross your fingers for some Kansas City lovin.
Also, if you're interested in learning more about the awesome spot that is Kansas City, Elle Decor just did a fabulous article singing its praises. Some photos from the article...

1000 posts?!?!?! that is INCREDIBLE!
and please enter me in this giveaway! the postcards look AMAZING!
i wish they had the kansas city postcard on their website. but it will just be more of a thrilling surprise i suppose.
Congrats on 1000! That is amazing!
Love the postcards...AND the glitter deer :)
Congrats on your 1000 post, thats amazing - I'm on a pitiful 161 :)
Just found your blog and I really love it!
Holy crap 1000 posts? LOL I did think you added an extra zero for a second. Cheers to KC!
Happy 1000th Post Birthday, Grace! :D
wow 1000th!!! CONGRATS!! :D
Congrats on 1,000! Awesome!
You know what else is awesome? Postcard contests! Whoo hoo!
Hey! Congrats on the 1000 post! I remember forever ago when I first found your blog. Was hooked right away.
I love the glitter deer, btw :)
That's a lot of posting! Congrats on making it to 1000.
I went to Kansas City for a printmaking conference a few years ago and remember loving it :)
Wow, congrats! Those sexified posts cards look frameable!
SO FUN! I love it!
Congratulations on your 1000 post! Your blog is just so great, I love it. It's a wonderful world where words and pics make people happy!
thanks for that
i think i would run out of stuff to say, but congrats on the 1000 posts! what a milestone
holy moly....1000? crazy!
congratulations and thanks for the great giveaway!
Congrats on reaching 1000 posts!!
1000 posts- yowza! Don't you just love that you had all that inside to share with the world??! -e
Soo excited for your 1000th post! This is my most fav blog! Actually it's what got me into following blogs.
I also have a special place in my heart for KC!
Congratulations on 1000 posts!!! That is huge! And I love me some KC (have I mentioned that before??) so Hammerpress + KC, well I'd be happy to win the giveaway :) Have a great weekend!
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